2020 Miss SAKE Hong Kong Contest

We are proud to announce the launch of Miss SAKE Contest in Hong Kong in 2020 for the second time! We seek for an articulate and charismatic candidate who is passionate in Japanese culture and delighted to share the greatness of Japan in Hong Kong.

Winner of Miss SAKE Hong Kong 2020 will represent Hong Kong to attend Miss SAKE 2020 Inauguration Ceremony in March with an opportunity to visit breweries in Japan. Take your chance to become the Miss SAKE Hong Kong.



Miss SAKE Hong Kong 2020 Contest

Application Deadline: 26 Sept 2019




The Miss SAKE Contest aims to seek for an Cultural Ambassador to share Japanese traditions, culture and cuisines through the appreciation of Sake in Japan and aboard.

The contest started in Japan in 2013 and it has become an annual event in Japan. To further promote Japanese culture, this program has also subsequently expanded to other countries and regions, such as Australia, Taiwan and Vietnam.

The contest is supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, the National Tax Agency and the Japan Sake Brewery Association.

The 3 main objectives of the contest:

1. Promotion of Japan Sake traditions and enjoyment of sake

2. Promotion of regional cuisines, food and agriculture

3. Promotion of Japanese culture, craftsmanship and attractions

Mission of Miss SAKE

Miss SAKE, acts an ambassador of Japan, sharing the greatness of Japanese culture through the appreciation of Sake. Miss SAKE not only actively participates in sake activities, but also agriculture, culture & arts and international activities.


Miss SAKE Hong Kong

Miss SAKE Hong Kong carries the mission of promoting the beauty of Japanese Sake, as well as other Japanese culture, such as Washoku, Kimono and so on. As an Ambassador of Japanese culture in Hong Kong, Miss SAKE Hong Kong will join hands and work together with other Miss SAKE from all over the globe to promote Japanese culture through appreciation of sake through hosting workshops, tasting events, dinners as well as exhibitions.

Miss SAKE Hong Kong is committed to develop and enhance Hong Kong consumers’ interest in having a deeper understanding of Japanese culture. She will also become a bridge between Hong Kong locals and Japanese enterprises and organizations, encouraging culture exchange and aiming at inspiring Hong Kong consumers to continue exploring Japan.




Agricultural Activities

Cultural Activities

International Visits

News & Updates


Kanpai! 2019 Japanese Summer Festival   Cru Magazine及the East聯合主辦的首屆日本夏祭暨Nomi-go-round 2019,於7月6至7日在灣仔合和中心圓滿結束。是次活動除搜羅超過100款不同酒造及品牌的清酒供參與者品飲外,還有多個手作工作坊、美食、和服試穿與清酒配搭活動、以及一系列展現日本文化魅力的娛樂節目,讓來賓體驗一場精彩的日本文化之旅! Organised by Cru Magazine and the East,...

2019 Miss SAKE Hong Kong

首屆Miss SAKE Hong Kong現已誕生 由文寶兒小姐勇奪冠軍 任內將透過清酒宣揚日本文化 (左起:亞軍李芷菱小姐、冠軍文寶兒小姐、季軍林芷瑩小姐)   由日本 Miss SAKE協會全力支持下,首屆 《2019 Miss SAKE Hong Kong》競選已於2019年2月在海景嘉福洲際酒店順利舉行,Miss SAKE Hong Kong冠軍文寶兒小姐將履行其任內職務,與全球的Miss SAKE 攜手,肩負起向海外推廣日本清酒文化的責任。  ...

2019 Miss SAKE Hong Kong,  press conference.

Ms. Bowie Man, the winner of 2019 Miss SAKE Hong Kong. 

Miss SAKE Hong Kong at Japanese Summer Festival 2019

Ms. Bowie Man at Nomi-go-round tasting party.