2020 Miss SAKE finalists and the 4th Mr SAKE Presentation Party



大家好,我是2019 Miss SAKE春田早重。1月18號,2020 Miss AKE 決賽選手幾第四屆Mr SAKE發佈會在日本外國特派員協會舉辦。我和2019 Miss SAKE亞軍塚原菜実香、季軍冨田梨花以及2019 Miss SAKE 大阪選手豊川栞那一起出席了活動。

從2015年開始,Miss SAKE 決賽選手發佈會就在不同的會場舉辦。日本外國特派員協會的會員包括常駐日本的外國特派員、記者以及有駐海外經驗的日本記者等,今年的Miss SAKE決賽選手發佈會就在這裡盛大展開。

Hello, everyone. This is Sae Haruta, 2019 Miss SAKE Japan. On January 18th, “2020 Miss SAKE finalists and the 4th Mr SAKE Presentation Party” and I attended it with Ms. Namika Tsukahara and Ms. Rika Tomita, 2019 Miss SAKE runner-ups and Ms. Kanna Toyokawa, 2019 Miss SAKE Osaka.

At first, Mr. Nobuaki Aiba, the representative director of Miss SAKE Association, and Mr. Tokubei Masuda, an adviser of Miss SAKE and the president of TSUKINO KATSURA SAKE greeted everyone there, and I gave a presentation about Miss SAKE and our activities in 2019.



今年除了有2020 Miss SAKE決賽選手發佈會外,還有Mr SAKE 特邀大使Mr Marc Panther的就任儀式以及第四屆Mr SAKE的發表會。現場有由Miss SAKE協會成立指出就鼎力支持的各位顧問、來自全國的酒藏代表以及各方媒體出席,十分盛大。

發佈會開始,由Miss SAKE主辦代表愛葉先生及Miss SAKE顧問月の桂-株式会社増田德兵衞商店社長 増田德兵衞先生致詞。其後,由我進行Miss SAKE的簡介及今年活動報告,以及海外Miss SAKE的介紹。

After my presentation, 20 of 2020 Miss SAKE finalists were announced. As representative of each prefecture, they are going to participate in the National Competition in this March. I’m looking forward to seeing their further growth and success as 2020 Miss SAKE finalists.


其後,20名2020 Miss SAKE決賽參賽選手出場。

在今天公布的20位選手將參加為期2個月的大和撫子項目,學習作為在世界範圍推廣日本文化的大使必要的知識與休養。最後,將於3月25號在京都威士汀都酒店進行的2020 Miss SAKE決賽中登場。

希望大家可以繼續支持2020 Miss SAKE決賽選手們。

在20名Miss SAKE決賽選手公布之後,是Mr SAKE特邀大使Marc Panther受任儀式,及2020 Mr SAKE冠軍 大谷史也、亞季軍 中山雄介和富沢武士出場。

Marc Panther先生及各位Mr SAKE就大家對於Mr SAKE及之後活動的期望發言。

會場中有美味的料理及全國精選的日本酒助興,到場的來賓舉杯為2020 Miss SAKE 決賽選手及2020 Mr SAKE的發佈。

今年,Miss SAKE會與新任Mr SAKE、以及在世界遍地開花的海外Miss SAKE一起,為振興日本酒業、傳承日本文化而努力。請大家繼續支持。


Following the presentation on 2020 Miss SAKE finalists, Mr. Marc Panther, the special ambassador of Mr SAKE, Mr. Fumiya Otani, 2020 Mr SAKE, Mr. Yusuke Nakayama and Mr. Takesi Tomizawa, 2020 Mr SAKE runner-ups were presented.

We, Miss SAKEs, will work hard with Mr SAKE and Miss SAKE International from this year to spread the charm of Japanese sake and cultures more and more.

We extend out deep appreciation to all the guests and everyone involved in the event.



2019 Miss SAKE 春田早重

Sae Haruta, 2019 Miss SAKE Japan