The Debut Announcement of Miss SAKE Hong Kong
Ms. Candace Poon Endeavours to Promote Japanese Culture Through Sake
由日本 Miss SAKE協會全力支持下,第二屆 Miss SAKE Hong Kong 現已誕生,恭喜潘嘉怡小姐(中)勇奪冠軍,亞軍及季軍分別為戚柔美小姐(左)及鄺美璇小姐(右)。2020 Miss SAKE Hong Kong 冠軍潘嘉怡小姐將履行其任內職務,與全球的Miss SAKE 攜手,肩負起向海外推廣日本清酒文化的責任。
With the support of Miss SAKE Association from Japan, 2020 Miss SAKE Hong Kong contest was successfully held in Hong Kong. Ms. Candace Poon (middle), winner crowned the honour, is going to work in hand with other Miss SAKEs around the world and present Japanese sake culture at its finest. First runner-up and second runner-up were namely Ms. Eummie Chik (left) and Ms. Maisie Kwong (right) respectively.
2020 Miss SAKE Hong Kong準決賽
2020 Miss SAKE Hong Kong Semi-final Contest
2020 Miss SAKE Hong Kong準決賽已於2019年11月7日在香港國際美酒展盛大舉行。九位初選的佳麗以和服造型亮相,展示其對日本清酒及文化的熱忱及心得,經過即場問答及清酒品評等環節的激烈角逐後,最後五強佳麗入圍決賽,分別為:戚柔美小姐、潘嘉怡小姐、鄺美璇小姐、黃雪瑩小姐及王曉妍小姐。
2020 Miss SAKE Hong Kong Semi-final Contest was successfully held on 7th Nov 2019 during the Hong Kong International Wine & Spirits Fair 2019. Nine candidates were dressed up in kimonos and kicked off the competition with an engaging Question & Answer session, followed by the sake tasting and presentation session. Shortlisted finalists include: Ms. Eummie Chik, Ms. Candace Poon, Ms. Maisie Kwong, Ms. Valerie Wong and Ms. Violet Wong.
Sake Lesson by Sake Samurai
大會邀請資深日本酒教育家、酒武士梅康妮小姐於2月在WAKO SAKE Bar對候選人展開課程培訓,詳細講解清酒的歷史文化、產地、原料、分類、風格特色、釀造過程等,更從多角度闡述了清酒的品評及鑒賞技巧,加深候選人對清酒的了解。
Candidates had the opportunity to learn about everything from history, origin, ingredients, categories, styles and brewing process to tasting skills of sake from Ms. Corinne Mui, a Sake Educator and Sake Samurai. The training courses took place in February in WAKO SAKE Bar, through which candidates gained further understanding of the magical drink.
The Most Popular Award
本次競選更特設「最強人氣大賞」,於Miss SAKE Hong Kong Facebook專頁開設投票通道,由網民票選最喜愛的2020 Miss SAKE Hong Kong候選人。經過一輪踴躍投票後,最終由潘嘉怡小姐摘下「最強人氣獎」殊榮。
During the campaign this year, the “Most Popular Award” is presented. A voting channel was set up on the Miss SAKE Hong Kong Facebook page, where followers can vote for their favourite 2020 Miss SAKE Hong Kong candidate. Ms. Candace Poon won the “The Most Popular 2020 Miss SAKE Hong Kong” through striking competition.
*2020 Miss SAKE Hong Kong 勝出者
*Winners of 2020 Miss SAKE Hong Kong
經過多番綜合考量後,最終由潘嘉怡小姐摘下桂冠,亞軍及季軍分別為戚柔美小姐及鄺美璇小姐。三位候選人在準決賽當中表現優異,妙答大會評審的尖銳提問,展示口才及急智,更娓娓而談對Miss SAKE Hong Kong職務的展望;並在緊接著的清酒品飲環節中,以自身的知識儲備為數款經典日本料理搭配不同的清酒,講解搭配心得及侍酒方式,充份展現其對日本清酒及文化的熱情及獨到見解,展現豐厚的知識儲備,優雅與智慧並重,實至名歸。3 位2020 Miss SAKE Hong Kong優勝者將在來年一同在香港宣揚日本文化及品嚐清酒的樂趣。
冠軍潘嘉怡小姐本身亦從事清酒行業,是一名清酒品牌代理人。她希望可以透過2020 Miss SAKE Hong Kong 的身份在今後的各個活動及工作坊中,培養香港大眾對清酒的興趣,加深他們對日本各縣的歷史及和食文化的了解。她將於六月下旬代表香港前往日本京都出席2020 Miss SAKE Japan 就職典禮,並參觀釀酒廠及其他相關活動。
After rounds of assessment, Ms. Candace Poon was announced as the winner. First runner-up and second runner-up were namely Ms. Eummie Chik and Ms. Maisie Kwong respectively.
The top three finalists well presented their eloquence and wisdom in an engaging question and answer session, talking pleasantly about their future vision on Miss SAKE Hong Kong in Semi-final Contest. And in the sake pairing session, each candidate shared their knowledge when pairing sake with Japanese food– from which their passion and thorough understanding on sake was fully displayed. All three of them will work together to promote Japanese and sake culture in Hong Kong.
Ms. Candace Poon is a Sake brand representative & partner who is used to knowing and loving sake. After winning 2020 Miss SAKE Hong Kong, she hopes to cultivate the interest of Hong Kong mass audience towards sake via the series of upcoming events and workshops. She is representing Hong Kong to join the inauguration ceremony of 2020 Miss SAKE in Kyoto late June. During the trip she will take part in other activities like visiting sake breweries.
*Remarks: Due to the further outspread of the coronavirus, the Final Contest of 2020 Miss SAKE Hong Kong was cancelled. The final election is based on the performance of the top five finalists during Semi-final Contest as well as online election.
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